Огненное око на HTML5 Canvas

Соскучились по оку Саурона? Нет проблем - технология HTML5 Canvas может вернуть его к вам на сайт
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<canvas id="webgl" width="500" height="1758"></canvas> <script id="vertexShader" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> attribute vec4 a_position; uniform mat4 u_modelViewMatrix; uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix; void main() { gl_Position = a_position; } </script> <script id="fragmentShader" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> precision highp float; precision highp int; uniform vec2 u_resolution; uniform vec2 u_mouse; uniform float u_time; uniform sampler2D u_noise; // movement variables vec3 movement = vec3(.0); const int maxIterations = 256; const float stopThreshold = 0.001; const float stepScale = .5; const float eps = 0.005; struct Surface { int object_id; float distance; vec3 position; vec3 colour; float ambient; float spec; }; // This function describes the world in distances from any given 3 dimensional point in space float world(in vec3 position, inout int object_id) { vec2 polar = vec2(length(position)*.1, atan(position.y, position.x)+u_time*.1); float field = (sin(sin((polar.x+polar.y) * 10. + u_time * 5.) + polar.y * 5.)) * cos(polar.x + polar.y); vec3 pos = floor(position * .5); object_id = int(floor(pos.x + pos.y + pos.z)); // position = mod(position, 1.) - .5; return 1.-length(position.xy)+field*sin(u_time+position.z)*.15*(sin(position.z * 0.9 + u_time*5.) * .5 + .5); } float world(in vec3 position) { int dummy = 0; return world(position, dummy); } vec3 getObjectColour(int object_id) { float modid = mod(float(object_id), 5.); if(modid == 0.) { return vec3(.0, 0., 0.5); } else if(modid == 1.) { return vec3(.5, 0.5, 0.); } else if(modid == 2.) { return vec3(.5, 0.5, 0.5); } else if(modid == 3.) { return vec3(.0, 0.5, 0.5); } else if(modid == 4.) { return vec3(.0, 0.5, 0.); } return vec3(.5, 0., 0.); } Surface getSurface(int object_id, float rayDepth, vec3 sp) { return Surface( object_id, rayDepth, sp, getObjectColour(object_id), .5, 200.); } vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c) { vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0); vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www); return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y); } // The raymarch loop Surface rayMarch(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, float start, float end, inout float field, inout vec3 colour) { float sceneDist = 1e4; float rayDepth = start; int object_id = 0; for(int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) { vec3 p = ro + rd * rayDepth; sceneDist = world(p, object_id); float weight = sqrt(1. / sceneDist); weight *= weight; float density = pow(sceneDist * weight, .1); field += density; colour += hsv2rgb(vec3(sceneDist, 1.-sceneDist, field*.015)) * density; if(sceneDist < stopThreshold || rayDepth > end) { break; } rayDepth += sceneDist * stepScale; } return getSurface(object_id, rayDepth, ro + rd * rayDepth); } // Calculated the normal of any given point in space. Intended to be cast from the point of a surface vec3 calculate_normal(in vec3 position) { vec3 grad = vec3( world(vec3(position.x + eps, position.y, position.z)) - world(vec3(position.x - eps, position.y, position.z)), world(vec3(position.x, position.y + eps, position.z)) - world(vec3(position.x, position.y - eps, position.z)), world(vec3(position.x, position.y, position.z + eps)) - world(vec3(position.x, position.y, position.z - eps)) ); return normalize(grad); } vec3 path(float z) { return vec3(0,0,0.); } void main() { vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy - 0.5 * u_resolution.xy) / min(u_resolution.y, u_resolution.x); // movement movement = path(u_time); // Camera and look-at vec3 cam = vec3(0,0,-2); vec3 lookAt = vec3(0,0,0); // add movement lookAt += movement; cam += movement; // Unit vectors vec3 forward = normalize(lookAt - cam); vec3 right = normalize(vec3(forward.z, 0., -forward.x)); vec3 up = normalize(cross(forward, right)); // FOV float FOV = .3+dot(uv.xy, uv.xy); // Ray origin and ray direction vec3 ro = cam; vec3 rd = normalize(forward + FOV * uv.x * right + FOV * uv.y * up); // Ray marching const float clipNear = 0.; const float clipFar = 32.; float field = 0.; vec3 colour = vec3(0.); Surface objectSurface = rayMarch(ro, rd, clipNear, clipFar, field, colour); gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(colour*.01), 1.); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/wtc-gl.js"></script> <script id="rendered-js"> console.clear(); const twodWebGL = new WTCGL.default( document.querySelector('canvas#webgl'), document.querySelector('script#vertexShader').textContent, document.querySelector('script#fragmentShader').textContent); twodWebGL.startTime = -10000 + Math.random() * 5000; // twodWebGL.addUniform('xscale', WTCGL.TYPE_FLOAT, 0.5); window.addEventListener('resize', () => { twodWebGL.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); }); twodWebGL.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); twodWebGL.pxratio = window.devicePixelRatio; // track mouse move let mousepos = [0, 0]; const u_mousepos = twodWebGL.addUniform('mouse', WTCGL.TYPE_V2, mousepos); window.addEventListener('pointermove', e => { let ratio = window.innerHeight / window.innerWidth; if (window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) { mousepos[0] = (e.pageX - window.innerWidth / 2) / window.innerWidth; mousepos[1] = (e.pageY - window.innerHeight / 2) / window.innerHeight * -1 * ratio; } else { mousepos[0] = (e.pageX - window.innerWidth / 2) / window.innerWidth / ratio; mousepos[1] = (e.pageY - window.innerHeight / 2) / window.innerHeight * -1; } twodWebGL.addUniform('mouse', WTCGL.TYPE_V2, mousepos); }); // Load all our textures. We only initiate the instance once all images are loaded. const textures = [ { name: 'noise', url: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/982762/noise.png', type: WTCGL.IMAGETYPE_TILE, img: null }]; const loadImage = function (imageObject) { let img = document.createElement('img'); img.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { img.addEventListener('load', e => { imageObject.img = img; resolve(imageObject); }); img.addEventListener('error', e => { reject(e); }); img.src = imageObject.url; }); }; const loadTextures = function (textures) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const loadTexture = pointer => { if (pointer >= textures.length || pointer > 10) { resolve(textures); return; }; const imageObject = textures[pointer]; const p = loadImage(imageObject); p.then( result => { twodWebGL.addTexture(result.name, result.type, result.img); }, error => { console.log('error', error); }).finally(e => { loadTexture(pointer + 1); }); }; loadTexture(0); }); }; loadTextures(textures).then( result => { twodWebGL.initTextures(); // twodWebGL.render(); twodWebGL.running = true; }, error => { console.log('error'); }); </script> |
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