3D галерея изображений на HTML5
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#screen { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #000; overflow: hidden; } #screen img, canvas { position: absolute; left: -9999px; cursor: pointer; image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; } #screen .href { border: #FFF dotted 1px; } #screen .fog { position: absolute; background: #fff; opacity: 0.1; filter: alpha(opacity=10); } #command { position:absolute; left: 1em; top: 1em; width: 130px; z-index: 30000; background:#000; border: #000 solid 1em; } #bar { position:relative; left: 1em; top: 1em; height: 160px; } #bar .button { position: absolute; background: #222; width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: pointer; } #bar .loaded { background: #666; } #bar .viewed { background: #fff; } #bar .selected { background: #f00; } #urlInfo { position: absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index: 30000; padding-left: 12px; cursor: pointer; } |
2#: После /head вставьте:
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<div id="screen"> <div id="command"> <div id="bar"></div> </div> <div id="urlInfo"></div> </div> |
3#: В самый низ после тега /body вставьте:
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<script type="text/javascript"> // ============================================================= // ===== 3D gallery experiment ===== // script written by Gerard Ferrandez - April 5, 2010 // http://www.dhteumeuleu.com // use under a CC-BY-NC license // ------------------------------------------------------------- // update: April 17 : added hyperlinks, tweaked z-index // ============================================================= var m3D = function () { /* ---- private vars ---- */ var diapo = [], imb, scr, bar, selected, urlInfo, imagesPath = "/images/", camera = {x:0, y:0, z:-650, s:0, fov: 500}, nw = 0, nh = 0; /* ==== camera tween methods ==== */ camera.setTarget = function (c0, t1, p) { if (Math.abs(t1 - c0) > .1) { camera.s = 1; camera.p = 0; camera.d = t1 - c0; if (p) { camera.d *= 2; camera.p = 9; } } } camera.tween = function (v) { if (camera.s != 0) { camera.p += camera.s; camera[v] += camera.d * camera.p * .01; if (camera.p == 10) camera.s = -1; else if (camera.p == 0) camera.s = 0; } return camera.s; } /* ==== diapo constructor ==== */ var Diapo = function (n, img, x, y, z) { if (img) { this.url = img.url; this.title = img.title; this.color = img.color; this.isLoaded = false; if (document.createElement("canvas").getContext) { /* ---- using canvas in place of images (performance trick) ---- */ this.srcImg = new Image(); this.srcImg.src = imagesPath + img.src; this.img = document.createElement("canvas"); this.canvas = true; scr.appendChild(this.img); } else { /* ---- normal image ---- */ this.img = document.createElement('img'); this.img.src = imagesPath + img.src; scr.appendChild(this.img); } /* ---- on click event ---- */ this.img.onclick = function () { if (camera.s) return; if (this.diapo.isLoaded) { if (this.diapo.urlActive) { /* ---- jump hyperlink ---- */ top.location.href = this.diapo.url; } else { /* ---- target positions ---- */ camera.tz = this.diapo.z - camera.fov; camera.tx = this.diapo.x; camera.ty = this.diapo.y; /* ---- disable previously selected img ---- */ if (selected) { selected.but.className = "button viewed"; selected.img.className = ""; selected.img.style.cursor = "pointer"; selected.urlActive = false; urlInfo.style.visibility = "hidden"; } /* ---- select current img ---- */ this.diapo.but.className = "button selected"; interpolation(false); selected = this.diapo; } } } /* ---- command bar buttons ---- */ this.but = document.createElement('div'); this.but.className = "button"; bar.appendChild(this.but); this.but.diapo = this; this.but.style.left = Math.round((this.but.offsetWidth * 1.2) * (n % 4)) + 'px'; this.but.style.top = Math.round((this.but.offsetHeight * 1.2) * Math.floor(n / 4)) + 'px'; this.but.onclick = this.img.onclick; imb = this.img; this.img.diapo = this; this.zi = 25000; } else { /* ---- transparent div ---- */ this.img = document.createElement('div'); this.isLoaded = true; this.img.className = "fog"; scr.appendChild(this.img); this.w = 300; this.h = 300; this.zi = 15000; } /* ---- object variables ---- */ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.css = this.img.style; } /* ==== main 3D animation ==== */ Diapo.prototype.anim = function () { if (this.isLoaded) { /* ---- 3D to 2D projection ---- */ var x = this.x - camera.x; var y = this.y - camera.y; var z = this.z - camera.z; if (z < 20) z += 5000; var p = camera.fov / z; var w = this.w * p; var h = this.h * p; /* ---- HTML rendering ---- */ this.css.left = Math.round(nw + x * p - w * .5) + 'px'; this.css.top = Math.round(nh + y * p - h * .5) + 'px'; this.css.width = Math.round(w) + 'px'; this.css.height = Math.round(h) + 'px'; this.css.zIndex = this.zi - Math.round(z); } else { /* ---- image is loaded? ---- */ this.isLoaded = this.loading(); } } /* ==== onload initialization ==== */ Diapo.prototype.loading = function () { if ((this.canvas && this.srcImg.complete) || this.img.complete) { if (this.canvas) { /* ---- canvas version ---- */ this.w = this.srcImg.width; this.h = this.srcImg.height; this.img.width = this.w; this.img.height = this.h; var context = this.img.getContext("2d"); context.drawImage(this.srcImg, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); } else { /* ---- plain image version ---- */ this.w = this.img.width; this.h = this.img.height; } /* ---- button loaded ---- */ this.but.className += " loaded"; return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ==== screen dimensions ==== */ var resize = function () { nw = scr.offsetWidth * .5; nh = scr.offsetHeight * .5; } /* ==== disable interpolation during animation ==== */ var interpolation = function (bicubic) { var i = 0, o; while( o = diapo[i++] ) { if (o.but) { o.css.msInterpolationMode = bicubic ? 'bicubic' : 'nearest-neighbor'; // makes IE8 happy o.css.imageRendering = bicubic ? 'optimizeQuality' : 'optimizeSpeed'; // does not really work... } } } /* ==== init script ==== */ var init = function (data) { /* ---- containers ---- */ scr = document.getElementById("screen"); bar = document.getElementById("bar"); urlInfo = document.getElementById("urlInfo"); resize(); /* ---- loading images ---- */ var i = 0, o, n = data.length; while( o = data[i++] ) { /* ---- images ---- */ var x = 1000 * ((i % 4) - 1.5); var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000; var z = i * (5000 / n); diapo.push( new Diapo(i - 1, o, x, y, z)); /* ---- transparent frames ---- */ var k = diapo.length - 1; for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { var x = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000; var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000; diapo.push( new Diapo(k, null, x, y, z + 100)); } } /* ---- start engine ---- */ run(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ==== main loop ==== */ var run = function () { /* ---- x axis move ---- */ if (camera.tx) { if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.x, camera.tx); var m = camera.tween('x'); if (!m) camera.tx = 0; /* ---- y axis move ---- */ } else if (camera.ty) { if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.y, camera.ty); var m = camera.tween('y'); if (!m) camera.ty = 0; /* ---- z axis move ---- */ } else if (camera.tz) { if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.z, camera.tz); var m = camera.tween('z'); if (!m) { /* ---- animation end ---- */ camera.tz = 0; interpolation(true); /* ---- activate hyperlink ---- */ if (selected.url) { selected.img.style.cursor = "pointer"; selected.urlActive = true; selected.img.className = "href"; urlInfo.diapo = selected; urlInfo.onclick = selected.img.onclick; urlInfo.innerHTML = selected.title || selected.url; urlInfo.style.visibility = "visible"; urlInfo.style.color = selected.color || "#fff"; urlInfo.style.top = Math.round(selected.img.offsetTop + selected.img.offsetHeight - urlInfo.offsetHeight - 5) + "px"; urlInfo.style.left = Math.round(selected.img.offsetLeft + selected.img.offsetWidth - urlInfo.offsetWidth - 5) + "px"; } else { selected.img.style.cursor = "default"; } } } /* ---- anim images ---- */ var i = 0, o; while( o = diapo[i++] ) o.anim(); /* ---- loop ---- */ setTimeout(run, 32); } return { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ==== initialize script ==== */ init : init } }(); </script> |
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<script type="text/javascript"> /* ==== start script ==== */ setTimeout(function() { m3D.init( [ { src: '1.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' }, { src: '2.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' }, { src: '3.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' }, { src: '4.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' }, { src: '5.jpg', url: '#', title: 'jump to random script', color: '#fff' }, ] ); }, 500); </script> |
не работает(
Добрый день.
Полагаю вы что-то не правильно поставили. Если вы укажите ссылку на страницу на которую надо установить этот скрипт, то полагаю мы сможем чем-то вам помочь.
Добрый вечер
Адреса еще нет, сайт еще в процессе разработки. пробовал не однократно, ничего не входит( А очень даже не плохая галерея, была бы очень кстати, но увы. Хотя спасибо большое что откликнулись и попытались помочь новичку
Ну как будет сайт и наработки - сможем глянуть на проблему